
Casting Breakdowns


The usual way we distribute casting information is by using Spotlight Link, so please keep your eye on the Link Board, or ask your agent to do so. If a casting brief is very difficult to fill, we occasionally post breakdowns on other services and on this page, so do check back from time to time.


Working in Casting


We regularly receive letters and e-mails from people wanting to work in casting, enquiring about vacancies within our company. We are a small organisation with only two of us in the office, and several people to call upon for backup support when necessary, so there are hardly ever any vacancies with us. We are also unable to offer work experience placements, internships or opportunities for 'shadowing', as we work from a very compact office.

If there ever are any vacancies, they will be posted on this page, so do please check back from time to time.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in casting, we strongly recommend that you read the excellent advice page on the website of the Casting Directors Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, which will tell you what is involved and point you in the right direction. Click here to see it.

We wish you every success!